You are your own healer. We are just the guide.

Odyssey is a holistic approach to ketamine therapy to help you thrive in life. The perspective-shifting ketamine experience is combined with personalized counselling and other healing practices designed to offer relief from conditions like depression, anxiety, PTSD and burnout.

The result? A return to your true self – the real you, underneath the symptoms holding you back. Odyssey is a springboard to lasting well-being, always grounded in science and data.

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The Springboard to Transform Your Life.

During your Odyssey, you will receive:

  • Health assessments with medical experts to ensure safety
  • A preparation counselling session before your experience to help you prepare and set your intention.
  • Intramuscular Ketamine Experience with specialized medical supervision from doctors, nurses and facilitators to create a feeling of safety and offer guidance when needed.
  • Post-experience counselling session to help integrate the experience and reflect on insights.
  • Lifetime access to Odyssey Online, offering convenient connection to education and integration modalities like breathwork, mindfulness and yoga.

“Odyssey has given me the gift of life again. It was so refreshing to feel symptom relief after the treatment and now my anxiety is manageable. I want everyone who’s struggling to get the help I have from Ketamine therapy.” – Client Debra O.

Continued Guidance.

Odyssey Online offers easy access to expert ketamine therapy education videos, preparation and integration practices. Dive into these resources through your online companion at your convenience.

“Odyssey Online made it easy to prepare for my ketamine treatment experience. The guidance on healing practices helped me integrate my learnings into my normal life.” – Client Nicholas K.

Join our free online Mind + Body Classes to learn tools and techniques to support nervous system regulation. We also offer Mind + Body Classes in our flagship Kelowna clinic to help build resiliency and support integration.

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It’s time to return to yourself.

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Your Transformational Odyssey Experience.

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The Odyssey Care Team gets to know you and ensures you’re a fit for Odyssey. Receive your ketamine consultation with a mental health and physical review.

– Where and how do you feel stuck?

psychedelic therapy, cure for depression


Set your intention and have a preparation counselling session to get ready mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. Proper prep sets the stage for a safe and enriching experience.

– What do you really want?


Therapeutic Ketamine Experience with medical support and care in a safe and healing environment. A physician and nurse will be with you every step of the way. Trust, let go, be open.

– What have you been resisting?

ketamine therapy, psychedelic therapy, mental health treatment


Deepen your understanding and integrate the insights with tailored support. Turn your experience into steps toward personal growth and positively shape your path forward.

– What changes do you want to make?

Reclaim your wellbeing.

Odyssey is for those who experience mental and/or emotional health conditions like burnout from work, chronic stress, anxiety and depression. Odyssey supports you by providing a nervous system reset through a personalized psychedelic treatment plan, and the guidance you need.

Depression, Burnout & Anxiety

Ketamine therapy can restore proper function in brain regions involved in emotion regulation and stimulate new neural connections.

Trauma & PTSD

This helps us to break free of limiting emotional and thought patterns, can alter the brain’s response to traumatic memories, and significantly reduce symptoms.

Chronic Pain

Ketamine therapy temporarily blocks pain receptors, can promote healing of damaged nerves, and can alter one’s psychological relationship to one’s pain.

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Why choose Odyssey for Ketamine Therapy?

Odyssey is our personalized, science backed, medically directed approach to Ketamine-assisted Therapy that offers significant relief from mental health challenges.

Intramuscular Ketamine treatments are more effective than nasal spray or lozenge alternatives.
Experiences in our serene space by medical professionals ensure you have the optimal set & setting for an insightful experience.
Convenient online preparation and integration therapy with trained psychedelic counsellors.
Lifetime access to Odyssey Online, a wellness resource library with therapeutic content and other healing modalities like breathwork.

Receive info about Odyssey.

Your path to long-term healing begins here. Sign up to get info to see if Ketamine-assisted Therapy is right for you.

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