Unlock your potential.

Return home to peace and uncover your true self with Odyssey Therapeutic Experiences.

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Hope that healing, both emotionally and physically is a real possibility.

Discover natural state of well-being through perspective-shifting therapeutic experiences with supportive counselling and guidance on mind-body techniques via our Odyssey Online app to encourage and maintain wellness. Experience  Ketamine-assisted Therapy to catalyze lasting positive change.

Why Odyssey?

The dominant model of mental health support today focuses on rectifying chemical imbalances in the brain, many more factors affect mental health.

Odyssey provides an innovative, holistic and personalized approach to mental health treatment through Therapeutic Experiences that use psychedelic molecules as a catalyst, with sessions supported by preparation and integration counselling. These substances are believed to work by temporarily altering brain function and perception, leading to profound shifts in consciousness that can facilitate deep emotional processing, increased introspection, and enhanced empathy and connectedness.

Odyssey Method Infographic Design

The feeling of freedom.

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Step 1: Discovery

Referral by a family doctor, GP, psychiatrist or nurse practitioner to an Odyssey Therapeutic Ketamine Experience. To find out if Odyssey is a fit for you, learn more on our eligibility criteria page.

Once a referral is received, a Ketamine Therapy Intake will be undertaken which includes a mental health and physical consultation to ensure treatment is safe and suitable
The Odyssey Care Team creates a uniquely tailored plan based on your consult, physical and psychological status, and medication review

Step 2: Orientation

Psychedelic experiences can be among the most intense and meaningful of an individual’s life. Given this, in-depth preparation is an essential component of the Odyssey Therapeutic Experience.

Counselling session to become clear on your intention and explore personal history which may emerge during the experience.
We work to reveal the conscious and unconscious beliefs, hopes, and fears related to the psychedelic experience
In-depth psychedelic education to create reasonable expectations, guidance on navigating the experience, and the importance of integration
Receive guidelines, practicalities, and the step-by-step process of the experience
Odyssey Online gives convenient connection and access to therapeutic content and other healing modalities like yoga, breathwork and mediation to help regulate the nervous system

Step 3: Experience

Intramuscular ketamine experience in clinic with oversight and guidance from medical experts. Every aspect is designed to keep you safe so you can go deep into the experience. 

The experience itself will take place in a comfortable and beautiful room, broadly resembling a living room
A specialized physician will administer the intramuscular Ketamine based on body weight and experience level
You are encouraged to get comfortable in the recliner while wearing eye shades and headphones, with our customized playlists
Our Care Team is with you every step of the way to guide and support you
ketamine therapy, psychedelic therapy, mental health treatment

Step 4: Integration

Without integration, the psychedelic experience fades from memory, without making a lasting impact. The period following a medicine session is commonly referred to as integration. Integration involves interpreting what came up during your experience and devising a plan to integrate insights and new perspectives into your life.

‘Integration helps make altered states into altered traits.’

Within 48 hours after a Ketamine treatment, receive in your integration counselling session
Use the Odyssey Online resources and classes such as breathwork and meditation after the medicine session to learn wellness techniques that support integration
Tap into free Odyssey Mind + Body workshops online via Zoom
We also provide a number of health and wellness classes in our Kelowna flagship clinic (breathwork, yoga, meditation, mindful movement) allowing you to access healing states for ongoing recovery and optimization

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Your path to long-term healing begins here. Sign up to get info to see if Ketamine-assisted Therapy is right for you.

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