Why Try a Ketamine Therapeutic Experience? Benefits of Ketamine Therapy

If you’ve ever struggled with mental health or suffered from a chronic condition, you know there are numerous medications and treatment options available. Some promise a complete cure, while others merely alleviate symptoms. Some take weeks or months to work and others can provide immediate relief. Ketamine Therapy is emerging as a highly effective treatment for various conditions and can offer rapid relief.

At EntheoMed, Odyssey Therapeutic Ketamine Experiences are one of our specialties. Our skilled Care Team of physicians, nurses, and counsellors can help determine if this therapy is suitable for you and your condition.


Understanding ketamine’s mechanism of action in the brain clarifies its benefits. Ketamine targets NMDA receptors, which interact with neurotransmitters like glutamate to stimulate neurons.

While neuron excitation is generally beneficial, prolonged excitatory states can lead to neuronal tappering, contributing to conditions like depression and anxiety, which are linked to NMDA receptor dysfunction. Ketamine blocks these NMDA receptor signals, enabling the brain to form new pathways and synapses, promoting healing from past injuries or illnesses. It also inhibits glutamate, important for memory and emotions, helping patients feel calm and gain new perspectives.


Ketamine not only calms the mind and relieves pain but has also proven effective in treating conditions such as:

  • Depression
  • Burnout
  • Anxiety
  • Migraines
  • PTSD
  • Chronic pain
  • Obsessive-compulsive disorder
  • Bipolar disorder

One significant benefit of ketamine is the reduced need for narcotic painkillers, mitigating the risks of tolerance and complications from long-term narcotic use. Ketamine is a promising alternative for chronic pain management.

Another advantage is ketamine’s rapid action. It works within hours, unlike typical antidepressants that take weeks to build up in the body. This quick onset is particularly beneficial for treating depression and anxiety symptoms.

Ketamine, when used correctly, does not significantly affect breathing rate or blood pressure, making it safe for use. This contrasts with other sedative drugs that can decrease blood pressure and cause complications.

While ketamine has shown positive results for many psychological conditions, it’s not suitable for everyone. Discussing all aspects of ketamine therapy, including potential side effects and contraindications, with our staff is crucial.

Receiving a Odyssey Therapeutic Ketamine Experience

At EntheoMed, our goal is to help you manage your condition with ketamine therapy. After determining that this treatment is beneficial for you, you’ll schedule your initial Therapeutic Experience.

During this appointment, an Intramuscular injection will be delivered to your arm or glute to administer the ketamine. You will be monitored continuously by our care team. Your dosage will be adjusted based on your intake and response to the medicine.

Most sessions last about 1 to 1.5 hours, depending on your condition and response.

Our doctors will discuss the most beneficial care plan at your initial appointment. Follow-up experiences may be necessary, depending on your response and symptom improvement.

If you believe ketamine therapy could be the solution you’ve been searching for, call us at (236) 420-6854 to schedule an appointment or inquire online today.

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